As from v2024.1 of the automationbridge, you can now play a MP3 file to your Alexa, Google & Sonos speakers in addition to the existing Text-To-Speech announcements.

When adding a Notification, you now have the option to choose the type.

If you select MP3 and click next, you are then given the same trigger options, and the ability to upload a MP3 file.

Note : Alexa requires the MP3 is a specific format, if your Alexa speaker gives a error message that it was unable to connect to your Simon Says skill, the means the MP3 file is not in the correct format.

For the Alexa speakers to play the MP3 file, you will also need to ensure that Remote Access is enabled on your automationbridge, so that the speaker can retrieve the MP3 file to be played.

If you want to edit and replace the MP3 file, just edit the notification, and upload a new file.