Thank you for purchasing a license only version of the automationbridge.

Please note that the image file provided will only work with the following hardware.

Raspberry Pi 3 : Model B+

Raspberry Pi 4 : Raspberry Pi 4 2Gb & 4Gb

We recommend that you use a high quality SD card, with a required minimum size of 32Gb.

Step 1 - Using the download link provided in your activation email, download the appropriate image file, and then burn this to the SD card using a tool such as Balena Etcher.

The image provided is a ZIP file, however does not need to be extracted before use and can be used directly by the Balena Etcher application.

Step 2 - Once the SD Card has been written, place this into your Raspberry Pi, connect to the network and power supply, the Raspberry Pi will automatically boot from the SD Card.

Step 3 - Give the unit a few minutes to startup, then proceed to the following address using your web-browser .

Step 4 - Select the option 'I have a new bridge to set up', then select the automationbridge that was found on your network.

Step 5 - Complete the activation form, entering the activation code from the email received, and your details (see example below)

Step 6 - Once the activation code has been validated, you will be sent an email to verify your account.

Step 7 - Click on the Verify My Account button/link in the email received.
Step 8 - Enter your password to complete the verification process.

Step 9 - Once verified, this completes the activation and registration process, and you may now setup the automationbridge with your chosen HA controller.

For more setup guides, please refer to