Alexa does not currently support Garage Door device types, so we have implemented the ability to present a Garage Door device as a Blind, giving you the ability to control it using Open & Close commands. 

We would recommend naming it something obscure, since there is no security around the Open command, for example you don't want someone being able to shout from the door 'Alexa, Open the Garage Door'

This feature is available as from v0.435 of the automationbridge.

Step 1 - Via the Amazon Alexa web portal, remove the existing Garage Door device.

Step 2 - Navigate to the Alexa page on the automationbridge, and you will find a config icon to the right of the Garage Door device type.

Step 3 - Click this icon, and then you will be able to modify the presented Alexa device type to be a Blind. This will then allow for Open & Close commands to be used.

Change this setting to be Blind and then click the Update button to save.

Step 4 - Head back into the Alexa web portal, and perform a discovery of devices, and you will now see that the Garage door has been picked up, along with the correct description.

Now, when you open the Alexa App, you will see this presented as a Blind

and you will be able to issue the voice command 'Alexa, Open the XXX door'

When Amazon enable the full Garage Door within their platform, we will update this to have it presented as such.