When you have enabled and setup the Philips Hue plugin, and have some wall switches, these will be brought into the Fibaro interface in two ways.

#1 A VD will be created, for each switch, this will allow you to see the status of the switch device, its battery level and the last button that was pressed.

#2 A Global Variable will be created for each switch device, these can be referenced on the main Hue plugin page, by click the blue info icon beside the Fibaro ID number.

This Variable can be found in your Fibaro, under the Panels page, Variables Panel

Each time a button is pressed on the Hue switch, this variable will change, where 1 = ON, 0 = OFF, 2 = DIM DOWN and 3 = DIM UP.

Here is an example scene, that uses the change in the button value to run an action.

Turn on the Offline light when the button pressed = ON

Turn off the Office Light when the button pressed = OFF