Step 1 - Download the OwnTracks app from the Apple App store onto your phone.

Step 2 - Open the application for the first time, and go thru the initial wizard, please ensure you choose to 'Always Allow' access to your location, this will also register the app on your phone and allow you to import the configuration (below).

Step 3 - Now go back to the automationbridge and send the config file via email to your device. Please Note : You will need to be using Apple Mail as your Email client on your iOS device, other email clients may not be able to open/process the attachment.

Step 4 - Go to Apple Mail on your phone, and open the email, and then click to open the attachment.

Step 5 -The configuration will now be shown, just click the Import icon on the top right, this will start the import process

Step 6 - Press on the icon to 'Copy to OwnTracks'

Step 7 - Once the import has been process, you will be presented with a confirmation screen, just click the RESTART link to continue.

Step 8 - Now that the config has been imported, you will need to enter the username & password for the automationbridge account, this is not included in the config file for security reasons, to do this just click the info icon top left.

Step 9 - Press on the Settings link,

Step 10 - Now enter the username (email address) and password associated with your automationbridge account in the red sections shown below, press the '< Status Info' when done.

Step 11 - If successful, going back to the Status Info page using the '< MAP' link, under Status this will show 'idle'. If there is another error/code showing, then please log a support request to have this investigated.

Step 12 - Now back on the main screen of the App, click the publish icon at the top right, this will then complete the setup of the location app, and load in your home location. This will be confirmed by the appearance of a filled in circle, with the Tracker ID as defined in the automationbridge.

Your setup is now complete, each time your phone/device enters or exits this region, an update will be sent to your automationbridge to action your chosen scenes.

If this location marker does not appear, please check that you have entered the correct password. 

IMPORTANT : The Owntracks app must be left running, in the background on iOS devices so that the entry/exit actions can be sent to your bridge AND make sure to update the Privacy/Location settings to be Always.